Friday 21 October 2011

Ooooh isn't it cold...?

As the clocks go back this weekend, it starts becoming colder and we all get our winter clothes at the ready, it's time to start thinking about how you will protect your hair during these chilly months.

We ask Asgar Saboo, Style Director at Daniel Galvin, his opinion on the matter:

"The harsh winter weather can be very damaging to our hair. It can easily become dry and brittle during and effective, preventative steps need to be taken to ensure that your hair does not get damaged.

Asgar Saboo, Style Director
"Every woman wants healthy, glossy, bouncy hair during this time of the year but few people spend much time thinking about how to get it & maintain it. For the most part, just a regular shampoo & condition isn’t enough to keep your hair looking shiny - you often need that little bit more…

1. A balanced lifestyle and diet is a good contributor to both healthy looking hair and skin.

2. I’m a great believer in hair oils and would recommend Moroccan Oil which we use in the salon. I would also recommend olive oil as a good natural home alternative.

3. Limit your use of hair irons or hair dryers. If you do need to use them, I would recommend a leave-in conditioner prior to use, to lock in the moisture.

4. Use hair masques! They are an excellent way of bringing a shine to the surface and to prevent frizzing when it’s cold and raining outside.

5. Avoid styling products which contain alcohol which dries out the hair."

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