Friday, 1 July 2011

Katy & Cheryl – WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!

We have been aghast at some of the hair colour mishaps that have been occurring this week. Unfortunately, two of our favourite celebrities seem to be straying from their natural palettes: Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry, two of our treasured pop icons, have this week both chosen to move from brunette to blonde.

Daniel is horrified at the mistakes that some hair stylists make: “In my opinion hair colouring should be based upon enhancing a client’s natural beauty, not about simply flinging hair colour at a head and seeing what sticks!!!

“Cheryl’s new colour simply drains her skintone and does nothing to bring out all of that natural pizzazz. Remember ladies: fashion comes and fashion goes, but style goes on forever! A lady’s hair is her ultimate beauty asset and she should use it as such. Choose a colour to complement your features and boost your complexion.

“Katy Perry’s hair hasn’t been right for some time now. She’s gone from very dark, which was just too dark, to a reddy blonde which, again, doesn’t work! When you have the perfect hair colour the first thing other people should notice is your eyes. With both of these girls, the first thing you notice is their hair colour, which is just not right!

“I understand that when you’re a trend-setting popstar, often you want to go for a ‘do that is slightly more outgoing, but it’s important to do it with taste! It’s all about movement. Look at Kate Middleton’s hair for example – it flows naturally and looks sun-kissed. If you go for a block colour like Cheryl or Katy, you’ll been maintaining it weekly as your roots will be almost immediately visible.

“Both of these ladies could do with taking some tips from Penelope Cruz whose hair we coloured when she was filming Sahara. Her beautiful dark hair still gives her that exotic look but the subtle highlights soften her features.

“To all of those girls out there who are dark and want to go light – think long and hard about your decision! Don’t go for anything more than three levels lighter than your natural colour; go for flushes or even dip-dye to keep the hair looking three dimensional and alive. Go for a colour that gives the appearance of having been kissed by the sun; not hit by the peroxide bottle!”

NB These pictures are not our own

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