Monday, 20 June 2011

A Very Apt App!

The very clever people at Glamour Magazine are now creating a host of fantastic beauty apps for the iPhone. The one that caught our eye was the very brilliant ‘Take Me To The Hairdresser,’ which at only 59p really is value for money.

The app acts as a sort of flip-book of celebrity ‘dos. Split into 3 sections: Colour, Cut and Style, you can scroll through pictures of all of your favourite celebs and take inspiration from them when you’re at the hairdressers. Gone are the days of magazine cut-outs and vague descriptions!

At Daniel Galvin, we are quite taken by the gizmo. Daniel comments: “To have this kind of technology at your fingertips is a great help to both clients and hairdressers as clients try to make themselves understood and hairdressers try to bring their visions to life.

“In terms of hair colouring, the shade is such a specific thing – it’s so difficult to pinpoint exactly what you want in words. People often use celebrities as their reference points saying things like ‘not as champagne as Charlize Therone, but then Reese Witherspoon is too yellow.’ To have the visuals on hand and categorised so simply and practically is a much more precise representation of our clients’ desires.”

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