Wednesday 3 August 2011

FRINGE FRIDAY at Daniel Galvin

We are excited to announce that we are launching FRINGE FRIDAY, during which anyone can come and have their fringe trimmed FOR FREE.

With this is mind Frankie Pullen, senior stylist at Daniel Galvin, has pulled together 3 Top Tips to bear in mind if you’re considering a fringe:

- If you have a square jaw, avoid fringes that go straight across – you need a slightly rounded cut with longer parts at the sides to properly frame the face.

- Ignore the myth that people with small foreheads shouldn’t have fringes. Everyone (with the exception of those with very pronounces cowlicks) suits a fringe: the smaller the forehead, the higher up the head you should start. This lengthens the face as it gives the illusion of it extending into the hairline.

- Make sure that your lifestyle suits having a fringe. If you have an outside job they’re probably not the best choice as our lovely British weather will just plaster it to your forehead or make it curl or frizz and you’ll end up pinning it up.

To book an appointment please call 020 7486 9661 or just drop in at 58-60 George Street, London W1U 7ET.

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