Friday 16 December 2011

The Daniel Galvin Advent Calendar - Day 16


Picture the scene - you have had your hair blow-dried for your work Christmas party on Thursday night.  It's now Friday morning, you have your friend's Christmas party this evening but you don't want to go to the hairdresser again today as you don't have the time or the money.  How do you prolong Thursday's blow-dry?

Bobby, one of our Style Directors, gives his top tips for how to make your salon style last this Christmas...

"My basic tips would be to try & touch your hair as little as possible and shield it from the elements.  Remember a hat and umbrella even when it looks like it might be dry and warm. Nothing can ruin a ‘salon look’ like a rain shower and a gust of wind.

"That night, before you go to sleep, pin your hair to the top of your hair with a large clasp clip. When you wake up in the morning hang your head upside down and blast your hair with cold air (if you use hot air it’ll pull out the shape). Then give it a bit of a spritz of hairspray to give it some body and hold.

"Dry shampoo is a god-send in terms of preservation – not only will it lift the grease out but it’ll also give your hair some substance. I’d recommend Batiste which is available at Boots. I’d also recommend L’Oreal Professionelle Crystal Gloss spray which gives your hair a light shine and extra gloss."

There you have it - salon beautiful hair for a second day in a row... Perfect for your relentless Christmas diary.

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