Thursday, 8 December 2011

The Daniel Galvin Advent Calendar - Day 8


Ever wanted to do a Leona and wear a gorgeous French Side Fishtail Plait?  Style Director, Bobby Collier shows us how...

Step one:
Choose which side you want the plait to fall and start on the other side.  Create a definite side parting and on the smaller side, divide the part between the parting and the ear into 3.

Step two:
Start off as a normal plait and then gradually introduce more pieces in.  Work away from the face and in a diagonal direction so that your plait will sweep over your other shoulder.  As we're aiming for the plait to be quite loose it's fine to take quite large pieces.

Step three:
When you have reached the bottom of your opposite ear start to turn the plait into a fishtail plait.  Do this by putting the hair into a ponytail and dividing the ponytail in two.  Then begin to pull small sections from the outside into the middle of the plait.

Step four:
Finally continue to the bottom of the plait and tie it. Ruffle it up by backcombing it with your hands.  Spray it with L'Oreal Professional Crystal Gloss and seal it with hair spray.  And there you have it - a perfect Leona Christmas Plait!

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